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Where I work

I offer sessions online across the UK and Europe.
I offer in person sessions from a Therapy Room in a private building in Manchester City Centre.
The main entrance is discrete and easy to access.

There is parking near by and it is accessible by public transport. 

How I practice

My core training is in Person Centred counselling and this is how we will begin your counselling journey with initial sessions being non-directive. What this means, is that I won't give you advice or coaching during sessions, however, I will bring curiosity to sessions, offering areas of further exploration to you, and can offer you a different perspective on what is troubling you. If you wish to find other lifestyle interventions and practice to engaged with outside of sessions, I have experience working with CBT, and I am happy to offer suggestions on what might be helpful if this is something that you choose to explore. My role is mainly to offer you support, understanding, empathy, and honesty in your experience. The most important quality in counselling is the relationship between therapist and client. Therefore my main focus is to ensure you feel safe, valued, and accepted regardless of how you show up and what you share in sessions.

What is Person Centred Counselling?

This type of therapy focuses on providing the client with the space and time to find their own solutions to what is troubling them, whilst being supported by the therapist in their journey. The practice involves the therapist exploring the world from the clients perspective to enable them to understand the client best. The non-directive nature of this style of therapy empowers clients to find answers and solutions for themselves, through developing self-awareness and a greater level of self-understanding. 

How many sessions/ How often?

I offer an open ended amount of sessions, this can be anywhere from two months to several years, as long as we both feel that the therapy is still the right fit. I recommend a minimum of eight sessions to begin and then see if you wish to continue with therapy. I offer sessions on a weekly or every two weeks basis.

What to expect from the first session?

During the first few sessions I want to understand what brings you to therapy and I will explore with you what outcome you are hoping for from attending therapy. The first session can feel very nerve wrecking, going to a new space, meeting a new person, and feeling under pressure to talk. However, there is no pressure for therapy sessions to look any kind of way, its an individual experience, and however you feel comfortable showing up is perfectly okay. If you want to spend your first session just talking with me about every day things until you feel comfortable this is perfectly normal.


50 Minute session- £55

Discounted sessions available for students

Discounted sessions available for those saving for Gender Alignment surgeries.


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